"Wonderful Michela… The photo I share is just a moment of the happiness I have found following and trusting my heart.”
“Wonderful Michela,
There was a time in my past where I would have found disappointment in asking for help with my emotions (or talking about angels).
Now my only disappointment, in the time since you helped me see where my path in life is leading, is not having the opportunity to introduce you to the two most important rewards that path has already delivered.
The photo I share is just a moment of the happiness I have found following and trusting my heart.
Your guidance empowered choices, which enabled me to leave an environment that, while financially rewarding, was limiting my opportunity to help others.
I have now returned to a team that shares my values and can make a positive difference to getting so many more family members home from work safe and well.
Home to families like the one I now return to daily. My beautiful wife who sees me for who I am, now that I can be that man, and our incredible son who exists because of the love his parents share.
Thank you for helping me, find where this message comes from. It's an incredibly beautiful and happy place.”