Experience the Liberation of a Quantum Healing Deep Dive


What It Is

With Quantum Healing you have the opportunity to energetically reclaim your body and your being from trauma.

Working with Michela means you’re in safe and wise hands, experiencing her IICT accredited healing modality “Quantum Emotional Healing” (QEH), partnering with the quantum field to specifically address the traumatic imprints of the emotional soul body that are causing havoc with your being and your life.

Clearing this low vibrational patterning and blocked energy, frees you up to reclaim your life force and channel it in ways that greatly benefit your trauma recovery, wellbeing, relationships and your life.

By working with the vibrational healing power of the Quantum Field, the impossible can become possible.

If you wish to heal the impact of a traumatic event emotionally and energetically, on a deep level, gaining a profound deeper perspective of the experience along the way, then Quantum Emotional Healing could be for you.

What You’ll Learn

The beauty of a QEH Deep Dive, is that because this modality works with the quantum field of infinite possibility and potential, as well as the highest and most powerful Quantum Healing vibrational frequencies through sound and light, you not only clear your emotional pain and baggage, you clear the low vibrational karmic energy associated with this. 

You will finally understand what it is you need to learn from your experience to bring it to a resolution,  and will be offered spiritual strategies to improve your energy frequency, and support your continued growth and awareness.

These profound shifts are reflected in the remarkable physical changes that can take place for you, especially with the face and eyes, along with a deep sense of calm equilibrium and acceptance, followed by very significant positive changes happening in your life.

Sometimes the life changes can take up to 3-12 months to fully reveal themselves, at a pace the person can handle, but it is a matter of when not if.

Other times the life changes are immediate and transformative. A blossoming takes place as the Soul is facilitated once more onto a path of growth and an upward spiral of healing evolution rather than de-evolution.

The point of surviving trauma and loss is not only to survive the experience, which is a huge achievement in itself, it is to then find your path of thriving.

There is a Zen saying that “heaven and hell are only 1/10th of an inch apart”. 

If you have recently experienced a ‘’‘dark night of the soul’, know that your solutions are closer than you realise. This experience relates to a temporary collapse of your ego, to show you that the way you have been perceiving yourself and the world needs a major uplevel. When you have the courage to experience reality beyond your ego self, you expand into the inner territory of your true power.

And this may mean creating a new way of being, or a new path for yourself, and being open to the changes that will allow you to better honour yourself going forward; as you integrate the reality of what you have been through.

QEH is not a substitute for therapy. It complements therapeutic or healing modalities you may be working with.

Please get in touch with Michela to arrange a complimentary 30 minute consultation to determine whether QEH will be successful for you.

What Michela’s Clients and Colleagues Say


“I have absolute trust in Michela D’Addario. She is one of the most unique, powerful and grounded healers and teachers I have met.”

“She blends 30 years of research and experience with the utmost integrity to bring us this profound and effective work that is at the heart of true transformation.

With Michela’s work, deep seeded pain can be shifted and possibilities for new ways of being open. This work is at the forefront of the human potential and consciousness movement in Australia. I cannot recommend this work highly enough.”

Lisa vanEgmond, Counsellor and Therapist, MAC

“Michela has made huge impacts on the clients that I see in conjunction with her. I have witnessed transformational changes in our clients’ mind, body and spirit and their general approach to life, after sessions with her.”

“Michela’s client’s eyes are brighter; it’s like she has facilitated our mutual clients to look at life through a different lens. This is something that I have found her to do very quickly by being able to pinpoint exactly what a client is dealing with on a subconscious/psychological level.

The feedback that I receive in relation to Michela is always highly positive.  Clients say she is gifted, motivated and is such a wonderful kind hearted person. I always know that when I refer clients to Michela they will be looked after by a highly professional therapist.”

Jason Irving, former Director, The Spiral of Light Centre, Wellness Leader and Mentor