Leadership Mentoring For High Performers
Michela’s Leadership Mentoring offers continuous growth and achievement as you ‘level up’ through each of the 4 programs.
Michela’s Leadership Mentoring offers continuous growth and achievement as you ‘level up’ through each of the 4 programs.
Based on your needs, goals and commitment level you can choose between the foundational True North program or go on to complete Quantum Mastery which is outlined below..
“Having gone through a mid-life crisis after achieving all my life goals at forty, and having no idea about my true life purpose, Michela not only helped me by guiding me with her own intuition, she also taught me to read my own.
I worked with Michela for 12 months, and my life has totally transformed, from one of pain and confusion to a life of understanding and peace.
Michela is a guiding angel, who can truly help you align with your true self, working towards your true life purpose.”
With this program you will systematically and strategically switch the lights on throughout your energy system, activating the quantum awareness and power within you, which is currently lying dormant, trapped within low vibrational karmic imprints.
Here is where the truly miraculous and extraordinary improvements and momentum occur.
Quantum Mastery takes a minimum of 12 months to complete (weekly 2 hour sessions) and can be extended up to 21 months (fortnightly 2 hour sessions after completion of weekly sessions during the True North Module).
Emotional healing and aligning with your best path for success.
Life affirming self worth and abundance for truly fulfilling success.
Emotional healing and aligning with your best path for success.
"There's incredible wisdom in putting yourself on a path where success is possible."
— John Brandon
True North is a one-to-one personalised program with Michela. In this program you will get back on track with yourself, address your pain and patterns, and align with the highest path for your greatest opportunities, happiness and success moving forward.
In order to unlock your potential, and have a true sense of connection with others, you must first heal the core emotional wounds getting in the way of your continued growth, and believe in yourself and back yourself again. Getting stuck in grief can steal so much from your life and your future.
Here you can transform what at the time is so painful into stepping stones towards greater wisdom, compassion and growth. Creating a foundation for a new life beyond the loss, this program enables you to better understand who you are and what will make you authentically happy now and in the future.
True North is the foundational course of Quantum Mastery and also a stand alone program. The QM Foundation Course Module can be completed in three months and with the stand alone: True North: Beyond Grief and Loss Program, in six months.
Experience Emotional Healing and self transformation
Achieve greater emotional self mastery, with less reactivity and less stress
Increase your self-awareness and have a better understanding of your blind spots, allowing you to recognise and clear them so they can no longer unconsciously sabotage you.
Experience great intimacy and better communication within your most precious relationships and connections
Establish a strong foundation for growth and expansion that you can draw on for life
Enhance your ability to discern the choices that keep you on track with your best path
Achieve a deeper understanding of the pivotal role self care plays in enhancing awareness, wisdom and wealth
Improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing and vitality
Discover your spiritual purpose and potential
Create your True North Road Map to guide you, and reveal your next best steps, so you can live with more alignment daily. This road map enhances your life navigation skills, ensuring continuous improvement that builds true and fulfilling momentum in your life.
Rediscover a sense of happiness, truly enjoying your life as a journey and an adventure
Learn to read and navigate the signs and synchronicities of your True North path in ways that align you with the best opportunities for you, for growth, fulfilment and happiness.
Enhance your intuitive awareness and develop powerful intuitive skills
Discover and strategically address your core emotional wounds and baggage that are blocking you from expressing more of your True Self, and pulling you away from your greatest power.
Develop the ability to safely process and release your feelings with awareness, and determine the higher purpose of your triggers, so you can recover quickly with minimal fallout
Learn how to determine the frequency at which you are operating and the strategies for keeping your frequency high and aligned with what you value most
Improve soul care skills to support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing
Develop greater intimacy with your loved ones and create deeper more fulfilling connections
Discover the true nature of happiness and how to develop it as a skill
Weekly Zoom sessions of 2 hours for 12 weeks or 24 weeks.
Karmic freedom and aligning with your divine mission.
"Experience teaches nothing, but evaluated experience teaches everything."
— John Maxwell
Here at Level 2, we strategically clear all the low frequency core karmic patterns you brought into this life to clear - the unconscious, deeply embedded, patterns of karmic fear that are messing with your potential and your future.
This is not past life regression. You are working with a composite energetic reality across all dimensions of time and space, past, present, future and parallel.
Level 2 is the Quantum Mastery Series gateway to such profound up levelling, you will wonder how you functioned with all those karmic stones in your backpack! The feeling of having them gone is incredibly liberating and energising.
Experience the positive transformation of your life, as you say goodbye to long held karma, once and for all.
Greater levels of self love and self awareness
Permanent release of karmic negativity and fears that have been holding you back for eons
Emotional self mastery - a high level of awareness and mastery of triggers
Karmic freedom - core karmic blocks and obstacles interfering with you fulfilling your potential and mission with abundance are cleared
Karmic connections and relationships currently not serving your highest good and happiness are healed or released
Internal stress levels and nervous system burnout is significantly reduced
Your most valued personal and professional relationships and connections are significantly improved
Gain insight into who you really are and what is your true purpose
Experience greater levels of inner power and confidence, with a real sense of liberation
Attract more win-win interactions and arrangements
Clear any vows of poverty that are messing with your financial progress
Understand and learn how to permanently release the deeper root cause of your greatest triggers
Learn how your key karmic incarnations have impacted on who you are today, for a deeper understanding and compassion, for what you have been through in this incarnation, and why
Gain a higher perspective and context for the events of this life, and benefit from the higher learnings and gifts of your karmic incarnations in this life going forward
Learn the true nature of karma and how to stop creating it in your future
Learn to discern the difference between low vibrational karmic choices and high vibrational wise choices, and who you need to keep in the driver's seat of your life
Learn how to face and resolve your demons and shadow aspects for greater awareness and growth
Develop the skills for knowing when you are at risk of moving off track from your spiritual power, and for staying on your high road, no matter what transpires
Learn how to dialogue with high vibrational aspects of yourself for guidance and insight in this life
Weekly Zoom sessions of 2 hours for 12 weeks.
Life affirming self worth and abundance for truly fulfilling success.
“When you examine the lives of the most influential people…you discover one thread through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature…”
— Einstein
Here we strategically discover the high vibrational lives where you mastered the gifts and achievements you wish to master in this life. This is an incredibly empowering and life enhancing journey where you discover the incarnations expressing the very qualities you wish to embody in this life.
These incarnations offer the gift of times where you were deeply aligned with your spiritual nature and living a high frequency life.
Integrating this high vibrational awareness and frequency has an exponential impact on your self worth and self esteem, where the glass ceilings dissolve, and you truly recognise how powerful you are and what you are capable of creating and building in this life.
It is here that you unlock the high vibrational frequencies within your power centres that allow you to magnetise what you wish to manifest on the physical plane.
Throughout this journey you are working with all levels of your being, within the empowering energy of the Quantum Field – the field Einstein recognized as the Field of Infinite Possibility and Potential.
— Einstein
Experience dramatic improvements in your wellbeing and energy levels
Greater self worth and self esteem
Deeper trust in yourself, courage and confidence in taking risks and backing yourself
Empowering high frequency beliefs that support what matters most to you - clear and reframe low vibrational core limiting beliefs creating the ‘glass ceilings’ in your life and have them create and energetically support your greatest dreams and desires
Greater trust, from others in you, because of your improved energetic integrity and high vibration
Quantum increase in your frequency, making manifesting on the physical plane easier and more enjoyable
Lightness of being and joyfulness, as your ‘default setting’
Greater alignment with your spiritual nature and spiritual power
More influence and magnetism because it is obvious you are a force for good in the world
Attract more destined connections and greater spiritual protection with karmic connections
Intuitive & psychic hidden gifts and talents revealed; discover your divine team, specifically here to help you in this incarnation and co-create your life with your divine guidance and guides
Discover what truly lights you up and how you can express your talents and gifts in this life to greatly benefit yourself and others
Develop a greater ability to work energetically smarter not harder
Greater awareness of how to express your influence energetically in ways that empower yourself and others
Utilise the Quantum Field, and learn how to clear and reframe low vibrational core limiting beliefs delivering the ‘glass ceilings’ in your life and create high frequency beliefs that energetically support your greatest dreams and desires
Greater understanding of the power of self worth and ability to utilise your self worth in tangible ways to improve your life
Improved communication and rapport skills
Improved ability and skill in maintaining a high frequency
Increased awareness of your spiritual nature and capacity to deeply connect with yourself on this level
Learn how to apply and monetise your hidden gifts and talents for your benefit and the greater good
Weekly or Fortnightly Zoom Sessions of 2 hours x 12 sessions
Enhanced spiritual intelligence and higher guidance.
“Intuition is our number one tool. It is emotion and intellect swimming together. The deeper you drop into yourself the easier it is to access your intuitive and creative resources”
— David Lynch
With Level 4 you arrive at a point where you are ready to establish a high level of connection with your intuitive powers and hidden gifts of spiritual awareness. Now your Destiny Navigation System can truly be activated and enhanced through all the key power centres of your Quantum energy field. This is where you connect more deeply with your Quantum Self and operate more in this space of higher awareness day to day.
Of course developing these skills is a lifelong process. With completion of Level 4 though, you fast track your intuitive capabilities and skills.
Each power level of your quantum field aligns with a particular intuitive gift and ability, and you are offered along with the quantum alignments, practical tools and strategies for developing and strengthening these intuitive abilities between sessions, and after the program is complete, so you can continue to rapidly evolve in these areas.
Level 4 gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate all the healing, power, awareness and growth of the four levels of leadership, so you attain a level of higher consciousness, you can continue to build on and evolve through your life.
Exceptional leadership - communicate with influence and wisdom - enhance communication, leadership and mentoring skills
A deep sense of inner security and safety knowing your Divine Team has your back and you know how to connect with them
A strong and empowering connection with your deepest most powerful self, creating resilience and grace
Feeling comfortable and confident with high stake decisions
High levels of calm confidence more often
Clarity, Clarity, Clarity!
A bigger picture of how what you do aligns with your spiritual mission, and an Inspired commitment to your divine mission and purpose
An enhanced ability to read people and situations
Wise mastery of your spiritual power and awareness - working with the Quantum Field within your spiritual heart to realise your heartfelt dreams and desires, successfully enjoying playing the game of life
Deeply rewarding and intimate connections with your loved ones
To be a truly inspiring force of love & good in the world; creating a high frequency legacy within your sphere of influence - improving and deepening the quality of your most valued personal and professional relationships
Increased understanding of your divine team and how to connect and work with your divine team in practical and tangible ways for greater wisdom, life success and happiness
How to operate with more grace, trust and ease during challenging times
Ability to work with informed intuition to enhance your professional performance and success
How to energetically align and magnetise the right support and backing for your projects and ventures
Enhanced capability with high stake decisions so you’re not being kept awake at night worrying and second guessing
High level ability to read people and situations, taking into account information provided on many levels of sensory awareness
Skills of heart to heart communication with loved ones for greater intimacy, connection and harmony
Mastered skills of manifestation on the physical plane
How to align with your inner guides of wisdom, offering core destiny messages and sign posts for each core spiritual power centre; discover how to unlock and utilise this power and guidance to create an awesome life of adventure and joy
Weekly or Fortnightly Zoom Sessions of 2 hours x 12 sessions
The Quantum Mastery Leadership Series provides you with the opportunity to develop core leadership skills and gifts to a masterful level of competence!
Business Coaching • Business Partnership Alignment • Negotiation and Facilitation • Couple Alignment Coaching